Monday, January 19, 2009

Personality Strengths


I've just taken the Via personality strengths survey and it was spot on.

Normally I pass on this kind of thing, but it was recommended by technoccult.

The results section is the best thing about this test. It lists your strengths in order and doesn't go out of its was to say "this is a weakness for you".

On second thoughts that is a bit of a cop out.

My top strengths were:
  • Creativity, ingenuity, and originality
  • Bravery and valor
  • Kindness and generosity
And my weaknesses were:
  • Modesty and humility
  • Caution, prudence, and discretion
  • Forgiveness and mercy
It's a fair cop :-)

NP Out

P.S. A christian bus driver just didn't get the point of the athiest posters on his vehicle.... hahahahahahaha

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Spitting in the communion cup


In breaking news the Vatican has been reviewing the severity of deadly sins and it looks like there could be a major shake up.

Some of the little known sins are going to fall into the category of "go straight to hell do not collect $200".

The final list isn't out yet but defiling the Eucharist is going to be way high in the list of things only the pope can absolve you of.

Other things on this list include the more publicly known 7 deadly sins. So killing someone might remain as bad as spitting in the communion cup, but only just.

Is this a sign of the Catholic church losing one of its few remaining marbles?

I don't think so - it is in fact enforcement of dogmatic copyright.

With Catholicism spawning a number of more recent religions their paraphernalia and its abuse by these upstarts is a hot topic.

But can you copyright religion and its practice? Surely all religion is based on the basic need for spiritual understanding?

Of course you can! As long as you're monotheistic :-)

NP Out

Monday, January 12, 2009

Keeping tabs on your kid


There are alot of new products out there specifically targeting the absent and paranoid parent market.

I'm all for parents wanting the best for their kids - but is monitoring their location and habits using technology really good for them?

You can buy your teenager a cell-phone with an inbuilt GPS locater.

Or if you're willing to forego subtelty you can just get them to wear a GPS bracelet.

This technology was developed for monitoring felons on home detention and tracking valuable property. Maybe we should just implant microchips in their necks and be done with it.

Are we now looking at an age where you don't have to build a trust based relationship with your kids? Why spend all that time when you can just Google them?

Nothing like the old laziness versus good parenting debate.

Personally I blame the teachers... It serves them right for actually paying attention to my children.

NP Out

P.S. I'm glad my parents aren't monitoring this blog post.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

US Bailout - Pornographers ask for their share!


Joe Francis and Larry Flint are two of the most successful pornographers in the US, and also two of the biggest proponents of free speech.

The fact that they are asking the US government to bail them out because of poor sales is not just hysterical it is great commentary on the way that the collapse of the US economy is being managed.

As my US cousins would say this is "pure gravy".

NP Out

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

UK Civil Service Management MUHAHAHAHA!


I started my working life on the management training programme for a UK government agency. The work was great but none of my actual senior managers knew what I was talking about.

They had all server 20 years and talked their way into a management position rather than bothering with all that pesky management theory and practice.

I look back on those days fondly - until current events remind me of how incompetent many of those guys were.


NP out

Sunday, December 14, 2008

What would you give up?


People were recently asked what would they give up from their lives for 2 weeks - in liue of internet access.

The results are just plain worrying.

It's a valid question though - here are some key things I would give up:

1) Coffee
2) Biscuits
3) Fast Food

Hey - it looks like I would be much healthier...

NP Out

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ladies and clothes anxiety


I'm going out to a Yule do tonight with my much better half.

As with most ladies she suffers from needless clothes anxiety. She's hot and I know it, but its just one of those things you have to work through.

This time I am going to pre-empt her negative feelings by posting this picture.

This other lady has put alot of work into her look - but just does not have any good basic hotness to work from.

My partner on the other hand very attractive and need fear nothing :-)

NP Out

P.S. this photo also proves the fearlessness of men serving in the armed forces.