Monday, September 29, 2008

Other Election News


The US presidential race is occupying alot of press - but right now the Austrian election is holding my interest the most.

Austria has a good electoral system which encourages more than usual 2 horse race (10 parties took part in the latest legislative election). Of course this means that minority governments and coalition governments are the norm.

The current election currently has the Social Democtrats in the lead holding 29.7% of the seats. The interesting thing is that two far right wing parties now hold 29% between them.

That represents a huge swing to the far far right - which has got alot of commentators and European pundits worried.

But this is not the rise of a fascist state. Its the people of a democratic nation voting for the leadership of their country. I applaud the fact that Austrians actually get a choice when they vote on election day and that their choices can bring a radical change to how they are governed.

Part of me is still slightly anxious about this result.

Its just as well the two charismatic leaders of the right wing parties loathe each other and do not agree on anything.

NP Out

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm starting to be predictable


There are lots of things that come to mind to blog about today.
But as per usual I'm going to go with giant fertility symbols cropping up in strange places.

Global warming is causing all manner of strange icebergs to crop up, and this one made me laugh so hard coffee came out of my nose.

Is mother earth showing an extreme reaction to mankinds neglect - or just letting us know what she thinks of us?

I'm voting on the later.

NP Out

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Chrome Doesn't Suck


One more quick update. I've been testing the new Google Chrome browser all of this morning.

It is quite frankly brilliant.

Chrome is similar to Opera, but faster, easier to use and completely open.

If you're a Windows user go get it now - you won't be sorry. MAC and Linux users have to wait a bit though.

NP Out

Is the Anglican Church changing Gods?


Interesting news from the Anglican church, who always get alot of respect from me for adapting to meet the needs of modern society.

But have they gone too far this time?

The Birmigham Cathedral is going to open Anglican themed wine bars as a way to encourage converts and hopefully make some money.

The clergy of the cathedral are behind this move which is definately blurring the line between the church and its community of alcohol loving English folk.

"Fully in line with Christian sacrement" you might say. But - as with most of the rest of Christian dogma and ceremonies a wine sacrement was borrowed from other older religions.

Most well known is of course the worship of Dionysus. Who is actually alot older than his most associated Greek pantheon.

Lets hope that this subtle switch of deviotions does not spread. Orthodox Christians will not like their Sunday worship turned into a all out debauched revel.

Then again it might tempt me into attending...

NP Out