Sunday, October 19, 2008

OK now I'm officially old


The highlight of my weekend was taking my 3 year old daughter to Te Papa. Which is probably the coolest kid focussed museum I've ever been to. Oh and it's local and free too.

They've recently installed a huge interactive video wall, which lets anyone create an interractive masterpiece from stock images and even pictures and video updloaded to their web-site.

It is great fun to play with and dozens of people can use and interract with it at the same time.

I'm a very technical boy - so my feeling aged wasn't caused by this awesome and easy to use piece of technology.

It took me 2 minutes to work out how so retrieve and display images using a base station and then beam them to the wall. Not too shabby for a late thirties tech head.

All the other adults had to have an expert guide them for the first 5 to 10 minutes. So I was feeling smug.

My daughter was watching me the entire 2 minutes and then asked for a go. Not only did she handle it perfectly straight away but she also used multiple fingers to control the touch screen interface in Apple Mac style. This increased her speed and ability to find cool images and then display them on the wall.

The thing is it never occurred to me to use MAC shorthand on the damn thing...

She's only 3 godsdammit!

Is this the start of a slippery slope? In a couple of years will I be getting her to program the 3DTV recorder for me?

NP Out

P.S. on the bright side my daddy-pride level was huge :-)


Violet said...

well, she is a geek's daughter :-)

Determinist said...

It's easier for a 3 year old to learn a new language than it is for an adult.