Thursday, March 27, 2008

I don't know much about art...

... but I know a good prank when I see one.

Last year Damien Hirst produced the piece on the right called "For the love of god". It an impressive piece of work with a short recipe list of skull + 8601 flawless diamonds.

It's more impressive than dumping bits of animals in formaldehyde. But disappointing in it's complete lack of impact on me when compared to the hastily embalmed livestock.

Is it art? Of course it is, it has a price tag of UK 50 million.

Now on to the prank which is pretty much priceless.

This installation was placed outside of the White Cube Gallery Masons yard at 3.30 am on Sunday night in response to the first skull being exhibited.

The prank skull was created using 6522 Swarovski crystals
and took Laura, the artist, a month to create.

I just love this prank on so many levels.

At the very least you have to respect the artist / prankster. This work has a huge impact - and is oh so much better than posting a video response on YouTube.

The main reason for Mr Hirst's work making no big impression on me is that I've been fascinated with crystal skulls since I was a kid. After watching the Arthur C Clarke's mysterious world series on TV.

10 cool points if you can name the archaeologist who discovered the most famous, and disputed, crystal skull antiquity "The Skull of Doom".

NP Out

P.S. My better half didn't get the prank at all. The artist wanted to show the crystal skull being thrown out with the rubbish after the exhibition closed.


Determinist said...

"The Skull of Doom" : allegedly discovered by a 17-year old Anna Mitchell-Hedges in 1924 or 1927 while accompanying her adoptive father on an excavation of the ancient Mayan city of Lubaantun in Belize

BTodger said...

Actually F.A. Mitchell-Hedges and his adoptive daughter Anna claimed to have found the skull.

So you only get 5 points.

Chances are they discovered it at Southeby's, and spent their time in Belize getting a tan.


Violet said...

I still don't know why a crystal skull is doom-ful.