Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Are you a victim or an anarchist?


The internet news is pretty much dominated by stories about stupid people doing stupid things and usually ending up broken or dead.

The stories get even more popular when they have an angle on a popular issue.

This kind of victim watching makes people laugh and helps to reinforce their low view of their fellow man - which is fine by me. Though it can contribute to victim behaviour in my opinion.

Though I do get a chuckle out of the thought that house prices could tumble in a "fat suburb". I loathe the fact that people can blame any kind of metric or net available study for the fact that they eat too much and don't exercise.

I get much more enthusiastic about people actually refusing to be victims and actually doing something to change their lives.

Take the recent case of Indian villagers taking exception to a large corporation planting a chemical research station next to their homes.

Or US citizens objecting to USD 50 million being spent on security for a government event when basic services are not available to people living in the city where it is being held.

These people are working outside of their local governments and corporations to force changes to their communities.

Do these acts make these people anarchists? Are they doing the right thing?

Hell yes.

Np Out

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